Guidelines and Courses

Guidelines for CPR & ECC and Handbook of ECC
As the global source of the official resuscitation science and education guidelines the AHA is proud to offer the 2020 Guidelines for CPR and ECC and the 2020 Handbook for Emergency Cardiovascular Care.

Updated HeartCode® BLS, ACLS, PALS
Our all-new HeartCode courses are updated to reflect the latest Guidelines for CPR & ECC and use a personalized adaptive algorithm for the most efficient path to content mastery.

2020 AHA Guidelines Science In-Service
This online course is designed to provide healthcare providers information on new science and key changes published in the 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC.
eLearning Courses & Additional Materials

Blended & eLearning Courses
Complete online training on your own time and at your own pace. AHA offers a variety of eLearning and blended learning options.

Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens
The PACT acronym (Protect, Act, Clean, Tell) and tagline, “Make a PACT, Know How to Act™,” help students learn to protect themselves and easily recall bloodborne pathogens training.

Additional Materials
To purchase print materials for shipment outside of the U.S., please visit our global network of distributors.
Learn Lifesaving Skills Today
The American Heart Association offers lifesaving training and information in many different formats. Students should contact a training center near you to discuss the best course for you and learn more about the materials you may need for class.
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